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In a nutshell...

We are Thringstone Scouts and we meet every Tuesday evening from 7-9pm.

At our meetings we earn badges in every category from Air Researcher to Master at Arms to Water Activities, face challenges like climbing and abseiling and play lots of exciting games. We do plenty of camps during the year as well where you cook your own food, build your own shelter and sleep in it, meet people from around the world and do amazing activities.

We go to camps all over England and even a couple in Wales - sometimes organising our own or going to an international camp where there has been up to 6000 Scouts & Guides in attendance. We join in with projects happening within the community and also other Scouting events happening in the country and locally.

As a group we have been around since shortly after the movement began in 1907, so well over a hundred years.

Scouting began back in 1907 and was founded by Robert Baden-Powell. This was during a time when 'children should be seen and not heard' but B-P decided that young boys had the same potential as any adult and so took 11 local boys from London to a camp on Brownsea Island, which is just off the south coast.

This camp was experimental and B-P taught his skills learnt in the army to the boys - skills such as observing & trapping wildlife, building fires and shelters, cooking your own food, digging toilets and building gadgets etc.

This camp and what followed shortly after lay the foundations for the movement we have today and more of our history can be found on our website links page.

© 2023 by Nick Martinez. Proudly created with

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